Overland Track Transport Package

The MOST POPULAR Overland Track Transport is to book the eGuide overland track package where you are picked up from Launceston, spend the first night in Sheffield and then transferred to Cradle Mountain at 7.30am making you the first group to register. We meet at the end at Lake St Clair with a transfer back to Launceston at 2pm


If your dates are not showing please contact us.

Night in Sheffield
Be met in Launceston about 5pm in the city or at the airport and then a transfer to Sheffield where you spend the night. The next morning a transfer at 7.30 to Cradle meaning you will be the first group to register for the Overland Track.

Night in Deloraine
Be met in Launceston about 5pm in the city or at the airport and then a transfer to Deloraine where you spend the night. The next morning a transfer at 7.30 to Cradle meaning you will be the first group to register for the Overland Track.


  • No payment when booking and full no hassle refunds once you have paid
  • Free date changes and amendments to group size
  • Help and advice and loan of a map and guidebook if needed
  • Gas, Meths and Shellite available for purchase and other very useful items to save you bringing with you
  • Advice on hiring equipment
  • Very punctual service using our fleet of modern vehicles
  • Very experienced friendly drivers that know the Overland Track and our roads

Over the last 7 years eGuide has looked after 1000's of guests and recognised based on reviews measured by ReviewPro as the highest rated Quality Tourism Accredited Business in Australia.

Launceston with night in Sheffield and return to Launceston
Watch the video that explains