Overland Track Permit

Everyone who walks the Overland Track will need to purchase an Overland Track Permit if planning to do from October to May.

BIG TIP: MAKE SURE YOU REGISTER as soon as they open in early JULY as all places are expected to be booked within minutes!

These are available from Tasmania National Parks on this page:


In addition to the permit for the Overland Track you will need a National Parks Pass.

For the months June to September no overland track permit is needed but you do need to register.

On the day you are booked to start the overland track you will register at the Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre. You will have to attend a compulsory briefing and then be provided with your actual permit that you attach to your rucksack.

You will also receive a bus ticket for the bus from Cradle Mountain Visitor Centre to Ronny Creek where the overland track starts and where you sign the visitor book.

Overland Track Permit